Fruit platters…

Fruit platters can be creative, fun to make and appealing. My tips on fruit platters are:

  1. Use seasonal fruit, they are well priced and at their peak in terms of taste, look and nutrition.
  2. One or two bite sized pieces are ideal, if the fruit is too big, then it is difficult to handle and eat.
  3. When assembling the platter, you can leave the skin on certain fruits such as mango, apples and bananas. It is better to serve pineapples, kiwi, prickly pears without their skins.
  4. Use firm fruit when making platters, rather reserve overripe fruit for smoothies and yoghurts.
  5. Where possible, try to remove the pips and seeds.
  6. Some fruits are best left whole, such as strawberries, grapes and cherries.
  7. I normally group the same of fruit together, making the platter neater and avoiding the fruit salad look.
  8. Cutting the same fruit into the same size and shape gives it uniformity. Different fruit can be cut into different shapes and sizes to look more attractive.

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