Category: Tips

I use salt, pepper and chilli sparingly as we all have diff tolerance levels. Rather add a few pinches at a time. Rock salt takes a while to dissolve, so take extra care when using it! There are several varieties of salt, pepper and chillies – explore their different flavours and share your experiences.

The reason I only purchase white crockery is because if a plate or cup chips or breaks, then it is easier to replace. Patterns and colours I reserve for serving dishes and platters.

It can sometimes be confusing to find food in the freezer. To make the task easier, label the containers or bags with masking tape, put the date and contents.

Pan handles…

To avoid accidents, please ensure that the handles of your pans are facing inward when cooking on the stove.

Kids Meals…

Kids can be picky eaters, find out what they enjoy the most and make variations of the meals. If they enjoy spaghetti bolognaise, then try either pasta based dishes or mince based dishes: rice and mince, lasagna, cottage pie, meatball soup etc.

I always rest chicken and meat that has been grilled, roasted, barbequed or fried for a few minutes before cutting. This allows the juices to settle and retains the moisture in the cut of meat. The amount of resting time is dependent on the size of the chicken or meat.

Table centerpieces can bring life to any table. Be mindful of their size as they can block your view, making it difficult to have a conversation with others across the table.

It is advisable to have 2 chopping boards. The first board is for chicken, meat and fish and the other for fruit, bread and vegetables. In this way there is no cross contamination of bacteria.

The best way to peel ginger is with a teaspoon! Use the teaspoon to scrape the skin off, it is much easier than trying to peel it the conventional way with a knife plus you get more out of it.

The ritual in our home is to always eat at the table, whether it is lunch for one child or dinner for the whole family. Eating at the table promotes routine, conversation and sound family time! The table provides a comfortable surface to eat from and the setting does not need to be elaborate, here is […]


Dear all, Nkem’s Kitchen focuses on food prepared by African Homemakers around the continent. Enjoy!  

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